Linde h120 diesel Forklifts
Below is the list all used Linde h120 ads for sale on Macsus based on your current search. The ads are sorted by date with the most recent at the top. To adjust your search, use the left hand side navigation in “Current filter” to deselect or “Refine search” to add new criteria, such as Country, where you may include listings from Australia or other countries, year of manufacture, hours of use etc.
Once you have found Linde H120 diesel Forklifts of interest you can click on the image to view more details and may contact the seller using the contact information shown. You can also see other used Linde h120 diesel Forklifts or all Linde h120 diesel Forklifts grouped by model.
- Sale
- H 120H 50 DH 20 DH 20H 16 DH 70 D-3H 160H 160 DH 18H 14 DH 100HT 120E 30H 15 DH 320T 16D 12E 12E 50H 50 TT 30
- Europe
- Newly Listed in the last 24 hours3 d latestNewly Listed in the last 7 days14 d latest30 d latest
Diesel trucks • 1996 • 6794h • -, DE • LINDIG Fördertechnik GmbH - Krauthausen/Eisenach (2)
Diesel trucks • 2014 • 6442h • -, DE • LINDIG Fördertechnik GmbH - Krauthausen/Eisenach (2)
Can't find what you are looking for?
Diesel trucks • 2016 • 21916h • -, DE • Richter Gabelstapler GmbH & Co. KG
Diesel trucks • 2009 • 7264h • -, AT • Zeiss Forkliftcenter GmbH
Mascus gives Internet users the best opportunity to find used Linde h120 diesel Forklifts and other handling equipment for sale.
If you are interested in any of the above used Linde h120 diesel Forklifts for sale, click on the checkbox next to the advertisement and add it to your favourites or compare with other interesting offers. To narrow the search results, please go back to the top of the page and use the "new search" option to indicate the brand, model, price and/or location of the used Linde h120 diesel Forklifts you are looking for.
Please do not hesitate to contact Mascus Australia, regarding any queries concerning forklifts, terminal tractors, container handlers, accessories, 4-way reach trucks, hand pellet trucks, and other used handling equipment.